What’s the Paris North Cap Rally Raid ?
The Paris North Cap Rally Raid is above all an adventure open to all.
This is not a timed race event, but a raid reserved for normal cars.
Here, unlike other races or rallies, speed is not the main focus.
The originality of this raid is the final ranking, based on three criteria :
- First of all, there is the classic checkpoint, which makes it possible to check compliance with the suggested route in the road-book and the time ranges (2 to 3 hours).
The time allowed, allows all participants to organize their day and take time to stop.
- Then there are ten photos on a USB key (two per theme) to be presented every five days to a jury made up of personalities from photography and journalism. -
- Finally, there is a report written on a free topic but other than the raid itself.
We ask participants above all to keep an eye out, to be curious, inventive and resourceful.
If you have all these qualities, the raid is for you.
History video and presentation by Philippe Boucher, organizer of the Raid Paris Cap-Nord (you can select english subtitles in the parameters of the video)
Combining adventure, respect for others, discovery of oneself and the world, the PCN is about to renew the too simplistic formula : Raid = speed + money. It puts at the reach of all a RAID NATURE -ADVENTURE -CULTURE.
So it is a long journey