A disability becomes what the person does of it. Even if our mobility may be limited, solutions exist ; our society allows this to be exceeded. I chose to demonstrate that it is possible to carry out actions, displacements, projects while being in an electric chair with a high quadriplegia..
My actions :
To promote my autonomy : freedom has no price ! getting to move alone for me was a first challenge ! It is done I drive my own car, equipped for my type of handicap and even more, like (...)
Accueil > mypresentation
A disability becomes what the person does
8 mai 2020, par gilles -
Lili and Loulou beyond difference
30 janvier 2020, par gillesPresentation of our atypical duo : She is a specialized educator student of 23 years, he an incomplete quadriplegic computer scientist of 45 years the handicap brought them together for a major project. Being in a team of the Paris North Cap photo rally 2015
They have been preparing this rally since 2010.
The year they met, Amélie was a student and wanted to discover new horizons, Gilles was open-minded and adventurous with a real desire for freedom, autonomy and sharing.
Through (...) -
Disabled quadriplegic incomplete in...
30 janvier 2020, par gillesDisabled quadriplegic incomplete in an electric wheelchair residing in Millau in the Aveyron since 1993, I plan the summer of 2014 to participate in the photo rally Paris Cap Nord with my light Utility adapted to my transport and fitted to sleep. Son of Auvergnats farmers, my life as a student near Nantes ended on February 24, 1989 in a car accident. Since then I will now have to combine everything with a wheelchair and a very reduced mobility. After several visits to the rehabilitation (...)